Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Day 12
Sept. 6, 2010
Lifeline Malawi Mission House, Ngodzi

Well, it appears that those of us who ate a snack at Livingstonia
yesterday are paying the price today, as most of our team is feeling
under the weather.  However, we still had a full day at the clinic
renovation project and here at the main Lifeline Malawi Clinic.  Both
Chelsey for our team devotions and Marilyn for staff devotions did an
awesome job.

The highlight of our day was our participation this afternoon in a BCI
(behaviour changing intervention) which is a presentation of several
dramas and teaching on HIV/AIDS prevention.  This program has been
temporarily suspended due to lack of funds but we were able to provide
some money for today’s drama.  We left at 2 pm and drove to a remote,
mostly Muslim, village where people of all ages had gathered.  The
dramas all teach the message of abstinence before marriage and being
faithful to one partner (polygamy is still practiced here, especially
among Muslims).  They were funny and captured the attention of
everyone.  Hank gave a talk and led in opening and closing prayer.
Several of the first timers of the team took the opportunity to visit
a few village homes.  They were struck by the simplicity and lack of
furniture in the houses.  One elderly lady appeared to have had
leprosy and lived in a reed home, as opposed to most of the brick or
mud homes in this area.

Tomorrow the whole team will be going to Matowe (where our building
project is happening) for an outreach clinic.  This evening the team
is counting out vitamin pills to hand to the village children