Standing from left to right is Chris Lee, Sister Gertrude Gillan, Paul MacPhee, Darren Darbyson, Maria Gaudin and Kees Visser
We will be leaving for Ngodzi, Malawi on the 20th of March and will return on the 6th of April. Our Short Term Missions Trip is to build a duplex to house three staff members (and their families) that will be working for the Lifeline Malawi Medical Clinic's Maternity Ward in Ngodzi. Over the past two years we have raised the funds to purchase the materials to help build the housing. This years team is made up of six volunteers with diverse backgrounds and talents who all have a heart for Africa. Our team has three returning members, Paul, Kees and Darren who went to Ngodzi in 2007 to help build the Chilumbula Church. Chris Lees' wife, Kim was on the 2008 Medical Team with Dr. Hank Visser and now Chris has the chance to go. Sister Gertrude and Maria have always wanted to go to Africa and have answered the call. Maria is a student at Mt Allison University. Please keep us in your prayers and thank you for your support.
Job 14:15 Thou shalt call, and I will answer thee: thou wilt have a desire to the work of thine hands.
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